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Pet Emergency & Referral Center

Sago Palm Safety

Sago Palm Safety: What to Know

Sago palms, also known as cycad palms or Cycas revoluta, are a common sight in tropical and subtropical climates like the Lowcountry. While these plants add to the beauty of our environment, they can pose a serious threat to our pets if ingested. Note that all Cycas species are poisonous and our Native Coontie palm (a lower lying bush-type plant) is also poisonous.

Sago Palm Plant

The Dangers of Sago Palm Ingestion

  • All parts of the sago palm are toxic, but the seeds and roots contain the highest concentration of the toxic principle, cycasin.

  • Ingestion of even a small amount, such as one to two seeds, can be fatal to dogs and cats.

  • Clinical signs of sago palm toxicity include vomiting, diarrhea, decreased appetite, abdominal pain and guarding, lethargy/weakness, jaundice (yellow coloration to eyes, skin, mucous membranes).

  • Sago palms are toxic to the liver and ultimately result in liver failure which can lead to death.

Sago Palm Plant

Early Intervention is Crucial

  • Seek veterinary attention immediately if ingestion is suspected, even if it's just a suspicion or the type of plant ingested is unknown.

  • Early decontamination is vital and includes inducing vomiting and administering a toxin binding agent.

  • Hospitalization for ongoing therapies and monitoring is recommended, as clinical signs may not appear immediately, and the onset of liver failure can be delayed.

Sago Palm Plant

Preventing Sago Palm Toxicity

  • Be aware of sago palm presence in your surroundings, especially if you have pets.

  • Keep pets away from areas where sago palms are planted, both indoors and outdoors.

  • If you suspect your pet has ingested any part of a sago palm, contact your veterinarian or a 24-hour veterinary emergency clinic immediately.

Remember: Understanding and awareness are key to protecting our pets from harm. Let's work together to ensure their safety and well-being.

Stay Informed, Stay Safe: Your vigilance can save your pet’s life. Be aware of the signs of sago palm poisoning and act quickly if an encounter occurs.